The wrapping is sometimes as important as the product. After pressure from civil trial lawyers and consumer groups the nation's largest restaurant chain will begin printing nutritional facts on the packaging of its burgers and fries. McDonald's said the labelling would include the fat, salt, calorie and carbohydrate content of its foods. We learn this news from the BBC. Critics have accused...
WARNING: No attorney or law firm can or should guarantee results or outcomes to a potential client. Every case presents different facts and different legal challenges. This website may include real case accounts and prior case references, however, this information is presented to demonstrate legal strategies that were adopted in the past, and the results that were obtained cannot be a predictor...
I was a boy of 6 in 1948 when I first noticed the the "colored" section at the back of the bus, the separate restrooms and water fountains, and the bleachers with only black faces at the ballpark. Rosa Parks, the black seamstress whose refusal to give up her bus seat to a white man sparked a revolution in American race relations 50 years ago, died on Monday.I was a boy of 6 in 1948 when I...
U.S. Representative Mike Pence from Indiana thinks the proposed new shield law would protect me when I honor my promises of confidentiality. Bloggers who actually gather news would be protected under the proposed federal shield law.Thank God. I may never have to go to jail to protect my sources. U.S. Representative Mike Pence from Indiana thinks the proposed new shield law would protect me...
The wife of Senator John Kerry (widow of Senator John Heintz) has settled her lawsuit for the wrongful death of her first husband. A total of $15 Million was paid in settlement of all claims for the death of Senator Heintz. Six others were killed in the same midair collision between a plane and a helicopter. The Associated Press reports the wife of Senator John Kerry (widow of Senator John...
Why wiould the defense attorney in a medical malpractice trial spend any time talking about marijuana use by the patient/victim? Maybe because character assasination of claimants has been known to work. Maybe a Florida appellate court has caught on to the ploy.The character of the patient should rarely be a defense in a medical malpractice case because even a bad guy is entitled to good...
Subdural hematoma is frequently the result of a traumatic head injury. A subdural hematoma is a collection of blood on the surface of the brain. It lies beneath the outer covering (the dura) of the brain and the brain’s surface. Use safety equipment and safety precautions at work and play to minimize the risk of a head injury. A subdural hematoma, frequently the result of a traumatic head...
Jerry Spence, one of the nation's most colorful and agressive trial lawyers, has been on a lifelong mission. He would be pleased to have someone describe it as "a mind boggling account of how "corporations" were the source of all evil in the US."The Intergalactic Source of Truth seems an odd place to find an article criticizing Jerry Spence, one of the nation's most colorful and agressive...
Insurance companies are given special treatment by our government. They even extend into the litigation process where everyone (corporation and individual alike) is supposedly equal. Marc Mayerson provides a long list of misdeeds by insurance companies and shows how our appellate courts minimize the penalty for the bad conduct. I could list numerous instances in which insurance companies are...
Two drug companies thought their new drug, Pargluva, would be a good treatment for Type 2 diabetes, especially for the overweight. So did the Food and Drug Administration panel only last month. JAMA publishes the results of a study that says it can kill. What is going on? Another dangerous drug about to hit the market?Bristol-Myers Squibb and Merck & Co. thought their new drug, Pargluva,...