Even with all the other elections going on, there are still judicial elections to consider. The Minnesota Bar Association has added a website so that consumers can get information on each of the candidates. The Academy of Certified Trial Lawyers, of which I am a member , is now out…
From the 1956 debut of the clinical ultrasound to the 1978 release of the M.R.I., medical technology has been improving the availability of health care for generations. Today, new medical technology is regularly being unveiled that ultimately offers better care and increased safety, as well…
Beginning in July, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a series of recalls for multiple medications that contain the drug valsartan after two likely carcinogenic chemicals were found in valsartan batches that had been imported to the United States from China. Often…
On October 22nd, the Nevada Highway Patrol was present on Interstate 11 outside of Boulder City, NV. No, it wasn’t a speed trap, but an on-location filming of an upcoming PSA spot. By coincidence though, they picked an interesting “spot” to shoot their commercial, as…
An adenovirus infection is usually nothing to worry about. You sneeze a little, cough a little, feel a little miserable, and then you get better. But according to recent reports, seven children have now died from an adenovirus outbreak at a New Jersey rehabilitation center.…
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects adults and children nationwide. Various medical and governmental agencies estimate that between five and 11 percent of children in the United States suffer from ADHD. Most children go undiagnosed until they reach school age and their…
In North Dakota, as in other states, police officers often administer breathalyzer tests and other field sobriety tests during DUI stops. Whether or not a breath test is administered at the scene of the stop, an officer will typically request that an individual submit to…
If your young child uses an anti-allergenic infant formula such as Neocate, or if you or a loved one suffers from iron deficiency anemia, you should be aware of a potentially dangerous condition called hypophosphatemia (HPP). Two popular products—Injectafer and Neocate—have been linked to HPP…