Consenting to surgery recommended by a doctor is an important step. It should be what is called an informed consent. In order to be informed Medicine on the Net has provided questions to ask the surgeon. The questions are listed below along with one of the expanded categories. I suggest a visit to this webpage before visiting the surgeon.
Surgery Questions To Ask Your Surgeon
*What is the operation (procedure) that is recommended?
*What is the surgeon’s experience with this procedure?
*What is the reason that this procedure is necessary at this time?
*What are the options if this procedure is not done?
*What is the anticipated outcome of the procedure?
*What kind of anesthesia is required for the procedure?
*What are the specific risks that this procedure involves?
*What about a second opinion?
*What is the recovery process after this procedure?
*Is this procedure covered by my insurance plan?
What is the operation (procedure) that is recommended?
Ask your surgeon for a simplified explanation of the type of operation, technique used, and reasons it should be performed. (Pictures and drawings can tell patients and family a great deal.) Why was this specific procedure chosen over possible alternatives?
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