An unlikely ally has joined the fight to overturn two recent Supreme Court decisions – Bell Atlantic v. Twombly and Ashcroft v. Iqbal – which made it much harder for plaintiffs to file...
As plaintiffs' attorney Daniel Becnel Jr. said of Taishan Gypsum, They're just thumbing their nose at the American judicial system.”
Becnel was talking about Taishan, a Chinese...
Cross posted from Huffington Post
This week is Patient Safety Awareness Week, an annual national education and awareness-building campaign that this year carries greater implications for patient...
This week, American Association for Justice (AAJ) President Anthony Tarricone published an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer calling for increased awareness about safety and protecting patients as...
This week, the American Association for Justice (AAJ) revealed that eighty-three percent (312) of the 377 recalls announced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in 2009 were...
As President Obama and Congressional leaders prepare for tomorrow’s health care summit, the American Association for Justice today is reminding lawmakers to remember the 98,000 patients...