Since 2003, the U.S. Government has paid over $845 million in settlements and judgments to veterans victimized by medical malpractice at Veterans Administration (VA) hospitals nationwide. According to a recent analysis by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, these payments reached an all time high of $98 million…
A recent report by the consumer watchdog group Public Citizen exposes the falsity of the oft cited myth that medical malpractice payments and defensive medicine are principal factors behind out of control healthcare costs. The report is based on data released by the National…
A recent article published in BMJ Open assessed the epidemiology of (meaning the causes and characteristics of and patterns involved in) medical malpractice cases asserted against primary care physicians, primarily family practice doctors and internists. The authors reviewed over 7,000 medical articles for data…
A recent review article “Wrong-site Spine Surgery” appearing in the May 2013 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons [link] describes the incidence, risk factors...
Medical malpractice lawsuits have long been under attack. Whether it is the insurance industry arguing for caps on damages, or politicians accusing “greedy trial lawyers” of...