Michael Leizerman
A proud graduate of Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers College, Michael Leizerman is a founder of the law firm Leizerman & Young, a law firm that specializes in truck accident litigation across the United States. An expert on multi-axle collisions, Michael has literally written the book on how to litigate complex truck accidents. He's even attended truck driving school to have a better understanding of what's required for the safe operation of these massive vehicles.
Additionally, Michael was the first Chairman of the American Association for Justice's (AAJ) Trucking Litigation Group. He is the author of the West/AAJ publication Litigating Truck Accident Cases, which was published in 2005 and continues to be updated annually. He is also a member of AAJ, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum while he frequently lectures other attorneys across the country on how to handle truck accident cases.
- Phone number 800.628.4500
Articles by Michael Leizerman
FMCSA Hosts Second Listening Session on Proposed HOS Trucking Regulation Changes
Recently, I blogged about the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) proposed changes to the Hours-of-Service (HOS) standards that regulate the commercial trucking industry. The proposed HOS updates were introduced in an Aug. 14 notice issued by the FMCSA with the stated goal of “enhanc[ing]…
More than 12,000 Commercial Vehicles Put Out-of-Service After Roadcheck Inspections
In June, commercial vehicle inspectors conducted over 67,000 inspections during the 2019 Commercial Safety Alliance’s three-day long enhanced enforcement effort. As a result of the inspections, 12,019 commercial vehicles and 2,784 drivers were put out-of-service for critical inspection violations. This represents 17.9% of the vehicles…
Proposed Hours-of-Service Regulation Updates Bring Safety Concerns
Recently, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued a notice to replace the current Hours-of-Service (HOS) standards that regulate commercial heavy-duty truck operations. In general, HOS standards dictate how much time a commercial driver can operate their truck and mandate rest periods drivers must…
Are Medically Unsafe Truckers Endangering Public Safety?
Earlier this year, the Department of Transportation (DOT) launched a federal investigation into medically unsafe truckers as a result of the recent spike of fatal truck accidents and medical certification fraud cases. The investigation is examining doctors who fraudulently certify truck drivers and how the FMCSA…
Proposed Drug-testing Regulations May Screen Out Drug Users From Trucking Jobs
Drug-testing regulation for trucking applicants has been a hotly debated issue for some time, making updates in legislation slow-moving as a result. Moving forward, however, two pending regulations aim to make strides in addressing the matter: Employers regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration…