Pierce Egerton
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Articles by Pierce Egerton
Distracted driving: Like trying to catch a runaway horse
2015 was probably the deadliest year on American roads since 2008. That’s according to a mid-quarter report from the National Safety Council, which estimates 38,300 people were killed in car accidents last year. The NSC said a stronger economy and lower unemployment are probably at…
Good luck gone bad? Traffic deaths way up in 2015
In case you haven’t noticed, gas is cheaper these days – down an average 30 percent from 2014. Good news, right? And the U.S. economy has been steadily adding jobs for quite some time. More good news (although some folks might quibble over the quality…
Garages accuse insurance companies of pushing cheap or faulty parts
Auto repair shops are up in arms about being pressured to use cheap parts and practices by insurance companies, according to a report by CNN. More than 500 repair shops from 36 states are joining in a lawsuit against top insurance companies. And the attorney…
Troopers have tricky new way to stop texting drivers
State troopers have a new trick up their sleeves to catch motorists who are texting while driving. The N.C. Highway Patrol has partnered with the N.C. Department of Transportation to use yellow DOT trucks for spotting texters on the road, according to a report by…
Millions participating in “Great Southeast Shakeout” earthquake drill
It’s hard to believe, but several earthquakes have taken place in western North Carolina this year. Aren’t those things supposed to happen in California? “Earthquakes are rare in North Carolina, but four already have occurred this year in the western part of the state,” said…