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Robert Whitley, Partner

Robert Whitley


Robert Whitley has North Carolina in his blood. Ultimately that’s why he came to represent the hard-working folks he labored with in tobacco fields and saw along his paper route. “I just wanted
to be a lawyer, and I have an affinity for eastern North Carolina,” says Robert, who started his career in criminal and domestic law.

“I learned that I wanted to be more involved with people, so personal injury was natural.”

One of his most memorable and high-dollar recoveries was a creative case he painstakingly prepared for
a local factory worker who was seriously injured in a tractor-trailer accident. After 40 years in PI, with a concentration in catastrophic injury and wrongful death, Robert knows everyone deals
differently with trauma.

“An unexpected death is one of the most emotional, riveting experiences a family can have, especially when it’s the result of someone else’s poor decision,” he says.

Articles by Robert Whitley