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In 2006, ABC News Anchor Bob Woodruff was an embedded journalist in Iraq. Mr. Woodruff sustained a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) when an improvised explosive device blew up the military vehicle in which he was riding. Some good for other TBI victims is going to come from Mr. Woodruff’s tragedy. The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), Mr. Woodruff, and his family have teamed up to raise awareness of brain injury and to administer the Bob Woodruff Family Fund for TBI, a fund created by the Woodruff family to help veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who suffered brain injuries. The fund will make grants to organizations serving vets who’ve sustained a TBI. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and Woodruff plans to report on ABC throughout the month on brain injury. He also agreed to serve as honorary spokesperson for BIAA. Dan Rather once used the word “courage” as a gimmick to increase ratings. Bob Woodruff epitomizes courage.

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