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Well it’s been just over 4 months since the tragic explosion of the Transocean Deepwater Horzon, and it looks like BP has finally stopped the flow of oil spewing into the Gulf. Thousands of lawsuits have been filed against the oil giant for injuries and economic damages that have been incurred due to the spill, but recently a new field of lawsuits has started to be filed.

Yesterday WSJ law blog reported that a Louisiana fisherman, John Wunstell, Jr., who spent time helping clean up the spill has filed a lawsuit in state court and is calling for a court-monitored health monitoring program for the volunteers and workers that were exposed oil and other dangerous chemicals while cleaning up the spill.

According to a press release issued by his attorney Wunstell, Jr. was hospitalized in May for an illness caused by the chemical dispersant used in the clean up process.

The lawsuit claims that Wunstell and others who have been part of the clean up process were exposed to chemicals and fumes that increase their likelihood of respiratory problems and developing various forms of cancer.

I am very interested to see how these types will proceed. There must be some detrimental effects from the chemicals used in the cleanup process, the only question is if the attorneys will have enough backing from the scientific community to convince a jury.

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