The FDA has recently decided to reconsider its earlier finding about the safety of bisphenol-A. Bisphenol-A, also known as BPA, is a chemical commonly found in plastic food containers, plastic baby bottles and the linings of metal cans. Though there is a large amount of scientific research that calls into question the safety of BPA, in August 2008, the FDA issued a draft risk assessment, finding that BPA is safe as it is now used. However, according to the National Toxicology Program, BPA could pose a risk of harm to the brain, behavior and prostate gland in fetuses, infants and children. In light of comments from an independent FDA advisory panel, the FDA is reconsidering its position on BPA’s safety and its disregard of the research showing harmful effects from even low doses of BPA. BPA makers assert that there is no known risk to human health from BPA. Most of the 22 billion cans for food and the 100 billion cans for beer and soft drinks are lined with a BPA containing resin. Nearly 93 percent of a sample human population has BPA in their urine, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control. High levels of BPA in urine have been linked to increased risk of heart and liver disease and diabetes.

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