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Daily Aspirin Can Cut Cancer Risk

A new study’s findings suggest that doing one simple action a day could mean a reduced risk of cancer and death.  Researchers from Queen Mary University of London found that by taking one aspirin per day for 10 years, individuals age 50-65 could cut their risk of bowel cancer, oesophageal cancer, and stomach cancer by 30-35% and their rate of death by 35-50%.  Aspirin dosage was between 75 and 100 mg and had to be taken for a total of 5 years before benefits were seen.

Researchers Look at Benefits Over Risks of Daily Aspirin

The researchers looked at a total of 200 previous studies that analyzed the benefits of taking aspirin daily.  They found that the studies suggested that their was a decreased risk of cancer as well as stroke and heart attacks for those who took aspirin for several years.  The findings are not altogether surprising, considering prior research on the benefits of a daily aspirin regimen.   However, previous research has been divided on the benefits versus the risks of daily aspirin because of the increased risk of bleeding in some individuals.  This risk can be particularly dangerous for some, with stomach bleeding being a primary concern.  Overall, the recent study is the first to condense all of the prior findings to show that the benefits of aspirin therapy outweigh the risks.

Cutting Smoking and Losing Weight Still the First Ways to Cut Cancer Risk

Although the new findings on taking aspirin are encouraging, it is still important to remember that losing weight if you are obese and quitting smoking are the best ways to reduce the risk of cancer and death.  Other things you can do to cut your risk of cancer include physical activity, eating plant-based foods, reducing the amount of alcohol you consume or eliminating it altogether, lowering your stress levels, investigating your family history of cancer to know your risk, and making sure to get your screenings for cancer.

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