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Comment 12: Some manufacturers expressed concerns that, by highlighting selected information from the FPI to the exclusion of information not highlighted, they make themselves more vulnerable to product liability claims. some of these comments also stated that the highlights limitation statement, which states that highlights do not contain all the information needed to prescribe a drug safely and effectively and that practitioners should also refer to the FPI, would not constitute an adequate legal defense in a case alleging failure to provide adequate warning of a drug’s risks.

FDA response to Comment 12: FDA believes the statement will be effective in reminding prescribers that the information in the highlights should not be relied on exclusively in making prescribing decisions and that it is important to consult the more detailed information in the FPI. We also believe that this limitation statement will help to ensure that the labeling will be considered in its entirety in any product liability action.

FDA acknowledges the comment’s concerns and, as discussed more fully in response to comment 13, believes that under existing preemption principles such product liability claims would be preempted.

Comment 13: Some comments stated that the new format requirements might have product liability implications for drugs that are not subject to the new requirements. These comments expressed concern that Labeling in the old format might be characterized by plaintiffs as inferior to labeling in the new format and, as a result, could be used as evidence that a manufacturer did not provide adequate warnings. They requested that the agency state in the final rule that FDA approval of labeling, whether it be in the old or new format, preempts conflicting or contrary State law, regulations, or decisions of a court of law for purposes of product liability litigation.

FDA believes that under existing preemption principles, FDA approval of labeling under the act, whether it be in the old, or new format, preempts conflicting or contrary State law. Indeed, the Department of Justice (DOJ), on behalf of FDA, has filed a number of amicus briefs making this very point. In order to more fully address the comments expressing concern about the product liability implications of revising the labeling for prescription drugs, we believe it would be useful to set forth in some detail the arguments made in those amicus briefs. The discussion that follows, therefore, represents the government’s long standing views on preemption, with a particular emphasis on how that doctrine applies to State laws that would require labeling that conflicts with or is contrary to FDA approved labeling.

Tomorrow: FDA and Existing Preemption Principles

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