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Parents of twin boys have filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit alleging one of their sons will never have a normal life and the blame is pointing to a military hospital.

The parents are filing a suit for $150 million against Naval Hospital accusing the staff and doctors and staff of medical malpractice. The parents say the boy is brain damaged from a birth injury during delivery.

The hospital commander argues there were pregnancy complications prior to the birth.

Born in May 2005, the boy was born severely disabled and he suffers from a form of cerebral palsy.

The Alcorns’ lawsuit is not the first time the naval hospital has been sued. Nor is it the first time Cronin’s firm has taken part. In November, a woman filed a $5 million lawsuit, saying that doctors operated on her with dirty surgical instruments. In 2005, a couple sued the hospital on grounds it was responsible for their baby’s death. Another couple was awarded nearly $61 million because their baby suffered serious brain damage during delivery.

The Alcorn family of Gavin has asked for a large sum — $100 million dollars for the child and $25 million for each parent. Cronin said the amount is high because Gavin will need extensive care for the rest of his life.

The lawsuit alleges “failure by the physician and staff of the hospital due to asphyxiation during the birth process and he sustained severe brain injuries. Medical records document the injury and that it did indeed occur during the birth.

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