Vaccines help protect millions of Americans against deadly diseases every year. Most people will experience mild or no vaccine reactions. However, rare and serious vaccine adverse reactions can occur. When that happens, victims and their families may have a lifetime of medical bills and other expenses.
The U.S government established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for individuals who suffer certain vaccine adverse reactions.
The Vaccine injury Compensation Program will provide restitution to individuals who suffer a vaccine reaction listed on the vaccine injury table. The vaccine injury claim deadline is three years after the onset of the injury and two years after the date of death or four years after the onset of the symptom that lead to the patient’s death.
VICP claims can be filed directly with the federal vaccine court in Washington, D.C. or with the assistance of a vaccine injury lawyer. A qualified vaccine lawyer will ensure a person’s claim is properly filed before the deadline, so victims can focus on recovery.

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