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According to a recent article on Yahoo! News, the producer of Azathioprine, Roxane Laboratories, Inc., on June 13, 2006, announced a recall across the United States and Puerto Rico of Azathioprine tablets, manufacturing lot 558470A. Azathioprine helps to prevent the rejection of kidneys following kidney transplants and in some cases helps treat severe rheumatoid arthritis. The recall is necessary because an Azathioprine bottle contained Methotrexate USB 2.5 mg tablets by mistake. If Methotrexate 2.5mg is used in place of Azathioprine 50mg, severe effects including poorer resistance to infection, mouth ulcers, vomiting, diarrhea, liver, kidney or lung injury may occur. Deaths have also been reported by those who used high doses of Methotrexate which is possible from substituting the Methotrexate for Azathioprine. Officials ask patients who may have received tablets from this lot to return the medication to the pharmacist. If you are unsure if you received the medication in question do not take Azathioprine tablets marked 54 323 and contact a pharmacist of physician for additional information.

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