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Let’s make Halloween a safe evening for the Trick or Treat crowd. This sampling of safety suggestions from the Village of Timberlake posting is a good starting point.

Halloween Safety Tips and Information


*Carry a flashlight
*Walk, don’t run.
*Stay on Sidewalks
*Obey traffic signals
*Stay in familiar neighborhoods
*Wear clothing with reflective markings or tape.
*Approach only houses that are lit.
*Stay away from and don’t pet animals you don’t know.


*Ideally, young children of any age should be accompanied by an adult.
*If you buy a costume, look for one made of flame-retardant material.
*Although tampering is rare, tell children to bring the candy home to be inspected before consuming anything.


*Make sure your yard is clear of such things as ladders, hoses, dog leashes and flower pots that can trip the young ones.
*Pets get frightened on Halloween. Put them up to protect them from cars or inadvertently bitting a trick-or-treater.
*Battery powered jack o’lantern candles are preferable to a real flame.

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