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This has been a weird week for weather, but last weeks hint of spring got people driving faster. It was a deadly weekend. The weather change isn't a coincidence. Often better days mean unfortunate increase in the numbers of deaths on Minnesota roads.

last week was the deadliest weekend of the 2013.

At least eight people were killed on Minnesota roads this past weekend, (April 6–early Monday morning, April 8), making it the deadliest weekend of the year, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS).

The eight deaths include five on Sunday, the deadliest day of the year. The Sunday fatalities included a three-fatality crash in Minneapolis and a motorcyclist, the second rider death of the year (the first occurred April 4).

“Tragic periods like this past weekend show how deadly our roads can turn,” says Lt. Eric Roeske of the Minnesota State Patrol. “The people who lost their lives in these crashes are the reasons we all need to take the task of driving seriously and make safe decisions behind the wheel.”

As with bed weather, it's important that everyone SLOW DOWN. At a time when the number of overall road deaths is decreasing any sudden rises in horrible loses should be heeded.

As with any death in a Minnesota motor vehicle collision, there are a number of issues that will need to be reviewed. My partner, Joe Crumley, addressed this topic in a article for the Minnesota Lawyers Trial magazine. I was interviewed on the same topic. In any of these situations, our sorrow goes out to the families and friends of all those involved.

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