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California lawmakers are getting ever closer to enacting bill that would ban the use of BPA (bisphenol-a) in food and drink containers designed for children under 3 years of age.

Yesterday the California Assembly passed the bill with a vote of 41-31. It will now have to be passed by the Senate.

BPA is commonly used in plastic to make them more shatter resistant and is commonly used in the lining of plastic food and beverage containers. When BPA is used in this fashion it can leach out into the food and beverages inside the containers. Leaching is increased when the container is heat, which makes BPA containing items like baby bottles of particular concern.

While there has been no conclusive evidence that BPA is harmful to humans, many experts believe that the BPA may be linked to developmental and brain effects in infants and other serious health effects.

The use BPA has been restricted in Canada and number of states in the US including Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Washington.

Supporters of the bill say that the bill errs on the side of caution and I could not agree more. We can never be too cautious when it comes to protecting our children.

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