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Federal agencies ordered Foreign Tires Sales, Inc. to recall up to 450,000 tires it imported from China and sold to U.S. distributors. The reason for the recall is because the Chinese manufacturer unilaterally decided not to install gum strips into its tires, thus increasing the risk of tire separation. The recalled tires were sold under at least four brand names-Westlake, Compass, Telluride, and YKS in the following sizes: LT235/75R-15, LT225/75R-16, LT235/85R-16, Lt245/75R-16, LT265/85R-16, and LT3X10.5-15. These tires are used for light trucks and SUV’s. This is the largest tire recall since 2000 when Firestone tires were also recalled due to tire tread separation.

For more information on this subect, please refer to our section on Defective and Dangerous Products.

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