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Head and brain injuries are often called traumatic brain injuries or closed head injuries. Proving these types of sometimes “invisible” injuries pose special challenges for injury attorneys, and our Virginia/Carolina injury law firm has handled several significant brain injury/closed head injury cases and obtained a number of notable verdicts and settlements for prior brain injury clients.

We obtained what was (then) the largest verdict in the history of the state of Virginia as of the year 2000, for a gas station worker who suffered a brain injury and other orthopedic injuries when a train crashed through the wall of the gas station where he worked in northern Virginia. For a report about this case we handled with co counsel, click here.

We also handle other sorts of brain injury cases such as cases where merchandise fell from a high shelf in a North Carolina retail store crashing into a man’s skull, causing his brain injury. This case was settled for a substantial confidential sum.

We have handled other brain injury cases where we organized and presented evidence from a wide variety of experts including medical experts on brain injury. This past experience of working with top medical experts in the field of brain injury, along with our long history of general personal injury trial experience, allows us to confidently represent brain injury clients, and their family members.

We have written a number of articles about head and brain injuries on our law firm website and click here for our library of such articles.

Also, please visit the Spectrum Injury Center or other information about head and brain injuries.

Shapiro, Cooper Lewis & Appleton personal injury law firm is based in Virginia (VA), near the Northeast North Carolina (NC) border, practicing primarily in the southeastern U.S. and handles only injury law, including car, truck, railroad, and medical negligence cases and more. The firm’s website is:, the firm edits the injury law blogs Virginia Beach Injuryboard, Norfolk Injuryboard, as well as the Northeast North Carolina Injuryboard and also hosts a video library covering many FAQ’s on personal injury subjects. Lawyers licensed in: VA, NC, SC, WV, DC, KY.

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