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According to a report from the news-press a New York-based company claims that they have found a quick, permanent and cheap way to rid affected homes of defective Chinese drywall.

Sabre Technical Services held a press conference this morning to announce the results of a process they began testing on a home with Chinese drywall back in June. The process involves pumping the affected homes full of chlorine dioxide gas, which Sabre claims rids the structure of sulfur compounds in the air, drywall and other parts of the structure.

Sabre claims that their process was a success and can provide a much cheaper yet still very effective alternative to stripping homes of the allegedly defective product and starting over. If this holds to be true it could have a huge impact on the current Chinese drywall crisis currently facing thousands of homeowners in two dozen states.

Sabre’s method for combating the culprit would probably cost between $30,000 and $40,000 for a typical three bedroom home, but this would be a far cry from the six figure cost of removing and replacing the defective material.

Florida state representative and home builder Gary Aubuchon, who attended this morning’s press conference, says that he is very interested in the process but would have to see a warranty agreement guaranteeing the work before he would consider contracting Sabre to perform any work.

While it is too soon to tell definitively tell whether the process employed by Sabre is truly a permanent and effective solution to rid homes of the potentially harmful toxins being emitted from Chinese drywall, it certainly is a breath of fresh air in a crisis that is getting more monumental each and every day.

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