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President Bush’s attempt to emasculate the federal agencies tasked with protecting the American people has reached a new nadir. The President nominated Michael Baroody to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). One would think the head to the CPSC would have a track record of promoting consumer product safety. For the past 13 years, Mr. Baroody has been an anti-consumer lobbyist, working as Executive Vice President of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). NAM is a K-Street lobbying giant whose agenda has included the following:
1. Lobbying to allow manufacturers to discharge higher levels of arsenic into our drinking water
2. Opposing local government bans on placing tobacco billboard advertising near schools
3. Lobbying to keep secret court documents proving that certain consumer products were unreasonably dangerous.

The President no doubt would say, “heck of a job Baroody,” but the American people cannot afford to turn the CPSC over to the manufacturer’s head lobbyist. The CPSC has prevented numerous childhood deaths and serious injuries by regulating such products as flammable pajamas, collapsing cribs, and toys contaminated with toxic lead. Protecting our children is too important a job to be turned over to another Bush crony.

Please contact your Senator and urge him or her to oppose the Baroody nomination.

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