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I recently spent the afternoon with an expert who was examining a product on behalf of my injured client. The product had malfunctioned during use and caused very serious and permanent injuries.

The inspection process took over four hours. It was very thorough and methodical. My expert obviously knew the product well and how to properly inspect and test it. He was also very careful to document all of his findings.

As an attorney who frequently investigates accidents caused by defective products it is not unusual for me to select and retain appropriate technical experts on a weekly basis. Their fields of expertise range from computer programming to mechanical engineering. Just about any field of expertise can one day be called upon to assist me and my clients in understanding why a product, machine or device failed and caused injury.

While I was in Florida with one expert, another expert was in another state inspecting a midway ride that malfunctioned. In the near future an expert will be examining a medical scope that came apart.

Without the knowledge and expertise of these experts injured persons would be denied just compensation. The defense would simply argue that “accidents happen” or move to dismiss a claim for lack of proof of a defect in design or manufacture of the product. Finding the right expert is an important task.

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