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Friday afternoon, a eight year old from Iowa was killed in a four vehicle crash in southern Minnesota. A number of others were injured. The cause is still under investigation , but speed may have been a contributing factor.

Initial reports from the Minnesota State Patrol indicate that one of the cars may have been turning off of highway 14 causing another car to veer across the road and into the vehicle the boy was riding in with his mother.

Families of wrongful death and personal injury victims should seek immediate help and counseling to deal with the shock of loss. Our sorrow goes out to the all the families and friends of those involved.

It’s also wise to promptly seek advice from an attorney, however difficult that is at such an emotional time. There are additional issues when a collision involves individuals from multiple states. The Injuryboard has lawyers across the country. In Iowa we have worked with Steve Lombardi.

A lawyer can take some of the burden off the family by helping assure all avenues are addressed. My partner, Joe Crumley’s previously addressed the topic with, Legal Advice after a Wrongful Death, which has valuable advice to address both the legal and emotional aspects following such a tragedy. I was interviewed on the same topic.

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