This morning I got started on my New Years Resolution by exercising . A lady that knew I am an attorney came up to me to discuss her aunt’s passing away . Her aunt had been ill and had recently seen her doctor . The doctor did not admit her , but told her to come in Monday to follow up . She passed away over the weekend prior to Christmas . While on the treadmill , she talked about her loss and her thoughts on the doctor’s inaction on her aunt’s care . She ended the conversation that she felt something was wrong , but we are not the suing type .
The tort reform movement has created this feeling of ” I am not the suing type” mentality . The American Medical Association reports that over 100,000 people die each year to medical mistakes . The purpose of bringing these Medical Malpractice cases is twofold . First , it is to recover for the loss of your loved one .Most importantly is to protect the doctor’s future patients in creating an awareness of his duty to his patient’s care. The goal of these cases is not simply about money , but to cure a problem in the medical industry .
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