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A few days ago I attended a dinner meeting in Seattle that really lifted my spirits. It was not one of those seminars run by ex-coaches or star salesmen or motivational experts. It was a meeting of some of my fellow bloggers. We had an opportunity to meet face-to-face, dine together and exchange our experiences in the practice of law.

Of course, our practices focus on the rights of the wrongfully injured and the continuing battle to protect our system of justice. Sometimes, when all we read in the newspapers or hear on television is the need for tort reform (code words for nailing the door to the courthose shut for the injured victims of wrongdoing), we can only see more clouds on the horizon. In Seattle, however, I was able to see some sunny days ahead. These motivated, skilled advocates for the rights of the injured from across the country spoke loudly about the need to fight even harder for our clients and for just compensation.

I left Seattle with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper dedication to the preservation of our civil justice system. I know I have allies who feel the same way. Thank you, for bringing us together and for creating this national network of warriors for justice to fight the good fight on behalf of our clients.

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