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Most class action lawsuits do not make the news over at PC Mag, but when the lawsuit accuses Apple and AT&T of negligence, fraud, and deceptive trade practices over the alleged reception problems with the new iPhone, it’s a different story.

Just in case you didn’t already know, Apple recently released the much anticipated iPhone 4. The new iPhone 4 has been completely redesigned and makes the biggest leap forward in technology since the iPhone was originally released back in 2007. The new iPhone blew away previous pre-order numbers and forced AT&T to suspend pre-order sales due to the overwhelming response, but it was not all good news. Almost immediately after consumers got their hands on the new iPhone we started hearing complaints about reception problems with the new device.

The complaints claim that holding the new iPhone with the fingers covering the three small black lines on the phone’s edge can cause the phone’s reception to plummet. Rumors of the issue quickly made their way away around the web, even earning the issue its very own nickname, the “Death Grip.”

Now the “Death Grip” issue has even spawned a class action lawsuit. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of iPhone 4 owners Kevin McCaffrey and Linda Wrinn, claims that the devices they received were “defective” and seeks compensation for damages “and other remedies.”

Overall, the suit accuses Apple of defect in design, manufacture, and assembly as well as breach of express warranty. Apple and AT&T are accused of general negligence, breach of warranty, deceptive trade practices, intentional misrepresentation, negligent misrepresentation, and fraud by concealment.

Apple is apparently working on software updates that will hopefully alleviate the issue.

In the past Apple faced similar lawsuits over connection issues, and software updates have done the trick in most instances. I am eager to see how this one plays out

Anybody got one? Any "Death Grip" related problems?

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