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This past Thursday, U.S. District Judge Joan Ericksen approved a $3 million dollar set aside for victims of of the Metro Gang Strike Force. It is believed that at least 100 people were harmed the Strike Force.

The force was abolished in July 2009 after police investigations and a legislative hearings. Claims included violence, threats , and stolen property. To be eligible for a share of the settlement, people must demonstrate that the unit improperly seized their money or property. The deadline for claims is Dec. 30, 2010.

Anyone making a claim will have it reviewed by a special master Mark Gehan, a St. Paul attorney. He will make recommendations to the court as to what should be paid. Any money that remains in the $3 million pool after claims are paid is expected to go into a fund to train officers on procedures designed to prevent another Strike Force scandal.

The fund was paid by the League of Minnesota Cities Trust Fund,which insured the Strike Force. The defendants consist of the Metro Gang Strike Force, certain Governmental Units, the Metro Gang Strike Force Advisory Board, certain Board Members, Ron Ryan, former Commander of the Metro Gang Strike Force, and unnamed Doe Officers 1-34, employees of their respective Governmental agencies who were allegedly assigned to the Metro Gang Strike Force.

People who want to file a claim against the Strike Force can call 1-866-211-0079 or go to before Dec. 30, 2010.

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