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The FDA has issued a warning urging nursing mothers not to
purchase Mommy’s Bliss Nipple Cream because the product contains ingredients
that could be potentially harmful to infants. The cream is promoted to help
soothe and heal dry cracked nipples resulting from breast feeding, but the
product contains chlorphenesin and phenoxythanol which can cause respiratory
distress, vomiting, and diarrhea in infants.

Chlorphenesin relaxes skeletal muscle and can depress the
central nervous system and cause slow or shallow breathing in infants.
Phenoxyenthanol, a preservative that is primarily used in cosmetics and
medications, can also depress the central nervous system and may cause vomiting
and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration in infants.

Mothers using this product should immediately
discontinue use and seek immediate medical attention if their child experiences
symptoms of decreased appetite, difficulty waking, loss of strength in grip or
change in skin color.

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