Yesterday, I received a call from Ned, a long time lawyer-colleague and friend. He is having some health problems and, as a result, has been watching more daytime TV. He called me to observe that the frequent lawyer commercials by one particular firm were disconcerting. His feeling was that the firm was claiming to have expertise in virtually every type of personal injury claim. Ned found the daily onslaught of the firm’s solicitation of injured persons to be more than he could bear.
Since Ned and I can recall the many years when lawyers were prohibited from any form of advertising I suppose we are a part of our profession that is much more sensitive to TV advertising by attorneys. We and many other attorneys would prefer to obtain our clients the old fashioned way, by letting our reputation speak for itself.
I had to sheepishly admit to Ned that my law firm, Perenich Carroll, is about to launch its own series of TV commercials for the first time in its history. Reputation within the community, while still important, has trouble competing with the incessant TV commercials of any new firm wishing to take the fast lane to a form of prominence by name recognition.
It is our hope that the message of our firm’s TV advertising will be recognized as the product of over 50 years of representing the wrongfully injured in Tampa Bay. That experience should be considered alongside the experience of any other firm or attorney being considered for representation.
Ned will let me know if we have stepped over the line.
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