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On September 20, 2006, results of a new study were released that confirmed previous studies showing an increased risk of blood clots associated with the use of Ortho Evra versus oral contraceptives. The study found that women using Ortho Evra were twice as likely to develop blood clots as those using oral contraceptive pills. As a result, the FDA has asked Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson & JohnsonYoung women are typically at low risk for blood clots and strokes, but with the use of Ortho Evra, these young women are having strokes, heart attacks and even dying at increased rates.

One interesting tidbit is that the former Johnson & Johnson Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Joel Lippman recently blew the whistle on his old company. Lippman claims that during 15 years in high-ranking medical positions at Johnson & Johnson, the company repeatedly released or refused to recall dangerous products to which he objected, including the Ortho Evra birth control patch.

If you have suffered any cardiovascular problems such as stroke or heart attack, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and/or pulmonary embolism while using the ortho evra patch please contact us to protect your rights

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