In 2008 and 2009, Yaz was the top-selling birth control. However, sales have plummeted following a rash of lawsuits filed on behalf of women who contend serious and sometimes fatal health complications can be linked to its use.
An estimated 3,000 Yaz cases have settled for $750,000 million according to earning reports from Bayer, the manufacturer of Yaz.
“In 2004 the evidence starting coming out that women that were on Yaz were experiencing stroke and clots at a much, much higher rate than you would expect in the general population,” civil attorney Noble McIntyre said.
Brandy Armantrout’s Story
In 2007, Brandy, 32, started using Yaz. In December 2012 she felt tingling in her left arm rushed to the hospital where she was treated with a severe case of blood clots in her arm.
“I had no pulse at my wrist,” Armantrout said. “The doctor found it faintly at my elbow and forearm. They took me to a room and started hooking me up to IVs. It was excruciating. I was feeling my hand dying. I was watching it turn black.”
Armantrout’s arm was amputated above the elbow. Only days after the devastating surgery that not only affected her but her husband and young child, Brandy found out she had no medical insurance coverage for prosthetics.
Brandy and her family are moving forward with a civil lawsuit against Bayer, the maker of Yaz.
Watch WFOR-TV discuss the issue and also hear attorney Noble McIntyre’s discuss the issue at hand as he has extensive experience with Yaz cases and says the average case settles for $200,000.
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