As many have seen there is an ongoing effort to inform the driving public of the risks of buzzed driving. I’m sure you have all heard that “buzzed driving is drunk driving.” This is a critical social issue ad campaign targeted to reduce alcohol-related driving incidents that typically lead to car accidents. In 2008 alone, nearly 12,000 people died as a result of drunk or impaired driving. According to the that’s nearly one person every 45 seconds. In Oklahoma there was 274 alcohol related driving deaths in 2008. In other words every other day a person in Oklahoma died because alcohol was involved.
Now back to the’s PSA that buzzed driving is drunk driving. How many times have you got behind the wheel thinking that “I’ve only had a couple of beers?” You hear phrases like “your blood alcohol concentration cannot be greater than .08%” but do you really know what that means?
Blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”) is the proportion of alcohol to blood in the body. Legally, BAC is expressed as the percentage of alcohol in deciliters of blood–for example, 0.10 percent (i.e., 0.10 grams per deciliter). Typically, a 160-pound man will have a BAC of approximately 0.04 percent 1 hour after consuming two 12-ounce beers or two other standard drinks on an empty stomach (1).
Truth is, we all vary in size and most, if not all, are unfamiliar with how many alcoholic drinks it takes to place you over the legal limit for drunk driving. So this holiday season be smart, designate a driver or hire cab. You are not only protecting yourself but others on the road.
If you or loved one has been injured or a loved one killed in an auto accident, McIntyre Law, P.C. has the experience and knowledge needed to successfully handle your auto accident case. Contact us immediately after an auto accident and we will discuss the situation with you and come up with a plan of action to help you get compensation for your injuries, property damage or a loved one’s wrongful death. Visit or call toll free 1-866-917-5200 to discuss your case and find out the best course of action to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.
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One Comment
Mike Bryant
There are so many issues that put drunks out on the street this time of year: Holiday drinking, the unexpected friends that arrive and the stress that adds to issues for people. It's important that people think ahead and be safe for themselves and others.
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