It’s the type of story you hate to see. A 2-year-old girl was bitten in the face by a pit bull in Washington County, Ohio. Marilyn Gardner had taken her daughter to play over at a neighbor’s house. The nine-month old dog suddenly attacked her. The toddler required 57 stiches to repair the damage to her face from the dog bite.
Unfortunately, these types of attacks are all to common when pit bulls are involved. While Ohio no longer defines all Pit Bulls as vicious dogs, the recent Clifton study found that 74% of dog attacks are caused by Pit Bulls or Rottweilers. With the total number of dog bites in America averaging 4.7 million people annually, Pit Bulls are responsible for a vast majority of these bites.
It goes without saying that each of us should be careful when approaching an unfamiliar dog. Children should never be left unattended with a dog. Should a dog bite you or your child, it is important to confine the animal, ensure that it has been vacinated, and seek appropriate medical treatment. It is also important to consult with an experienced attorney who will be able to determine whether a claim may be brought under the home owner’s insurance policy of the dog owner.
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