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Patients should review the latest information to see if they have been implanted with the recalled device and seek medical attention right away if symptoms occur.

Patients who have received one of the recalled hernia mesh patches may also qualify for medical monitoring and compensation from the manufacturer. Accurate testing of the Kugel Mesh Patch would have shown the defects of the device and many lives would be saved. For a while, the manufacturer never notified patients and their doctors about these defective hernia patches. I personally can’t imagine what it must feel like to have a device implanted in the body and then realize afterwards that it is defective. I would be mad at everyone involved with advising me to go through with the plan. The manufacturer should be held responsible for actions of carelessness. It only makes sense given the circumstances.

The Composix Kugel Mesh Patch is used to repair ventral hernias caused by thinning or stretching of scar tissue that forms after surgery. The patch is placed behind the hernia defect through a small incision. The patch is then held open by a ‘memory recoil ring’ that allows the patch to be folded for insertion and later spring open and lay flat once it is in place. The scary part about the patch is getting an infection because this could lead to more pain as well as death.


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