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The St. Pete Times reports that name recognition is already narrowing the field in the upcoming election of the next Florida Attorney General. I can think of many important qualities that I would want in an Attorney General, but name recognition is not on the list. As the race gets closer to the election I will provide more information about the qualifications of the candidates, especially how each views our civil justice system and the rights of the wrongfully injured.

State Rep. Joe Negron dropped out of the race for attorney general on Monday, effectively handing the Republican nomination for the post to former U.S. Rep. Bill McCollum.

Negron, of Stuart, is the third Republican to abandon the attorney general’s race in a month, including Treasure Island state Rep. Everett Rice. All said they were overwhelmed by McCollum’s high statewide name recognition.

McCollum, who ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate in 2000 and 2004, will probably face Democrat Walter “Skip” Campbell, a Broward County state senator, in November. Campbell is running unopposed for his party’s nomination.

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