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If you've got a smartphone, and you likely do if you're like millions of others across the globe, you definitely want to be careful about what pictures you take and post using your smartphone. Recent news reveals that one innocent picture can provide hackers with a plethora of information about you and your family–including your child's daycare, where they play, and even what their room looks like.

The problem lies in the GPS enabling on smartphones. You can easily take care of this by going into your settings and changing it so that your phone will not allow GPS tracking. But if you don't and you use an App like real-time photo sharing, you are essentially allowing for nearby users to see where the photo was taken and likely the places where you live or frequent.

If you even consider lower-tech risks to your privacy, the data is pretty scary. According to a recent McAffee report 1 in 10 Americans have been threatened by a vengeful ex-partner to post naughty pics taken while they were together on the Internet. What might be even scarier is the fact that over 60% of threatening ex-partners actually followed through with their plans by posting so-called "revenge porn". Overall, it's best to be extra careful of what you use your smartphone to do and what you post online. It could mean the loss of your job, or worse, the safety of your family.

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