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It’s not unusual that we see snowmobiling injuries in the office. They are usually people running into objects, such as posts, fences or lines, in the right away of snow trails or people being hit by out of control snowmobiles. We also see those riders that are hit by vehicles. In 2008 nine people died from snowmobile accidents, and four of those crashes involved alcohol.

In order to prevent more of those types of injuries, I pass on the DNR’s safety tips :

1) Keep in mind that the maximum speed limit is 50 mph.

2) Don’t Drink and ride.

3) Residents born after Dec. 31, 1976 need a valid snowmobile safety certificate.

4) Check the ice at least every 150 feet, especially early in the season or any situation where the thickness varies widely.

5) Slow down, especially at night, over-riding your headlight is another major cause of accidents.

6) Stay off the roadway, shoulder, and slope of state and county highways.

7) Come to a complete stop and look both ways before crossing a public roadway.

8) Never ride alone.

For a copy of DNR’s 2009-2010 Minnesota Snowmobile Safety Laws, Rules and Regulations handbook,visit the DNR Web site: or call 800-366-8917.

If you are in a snowmobile accident , it’s important that you get medical help right away. Snowmobile operators who are involved in an accident resulting in medical attention, hospitalization, death, or damage exceeding $500 must file a written report with the DNR.If the operator is unable to file a report, any peace officer investigating the accident can do so within 10 business days.

If you have questions, contact an experienced Personal Injury lawyer who has dealt with these type of cases. As always, make sure you talk to someone knowledgeable before you sign off on a claim or give away the rights of your children.

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