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Today’s calendar includes two interviews with potential new clients.

These conferences are great opportunities for me and the new clients to get to know each other. Just as I must feel comfortable undertaking the representation, a potential new client or family needs to feel the same way about me and my firm.

Obviously, information is obtained about the wrongful act or acts that caused the injuries or death. And, the nature of the losses and other consequences of the misconduct is explored in some depth. However, the single most important goal of the initial conference is the establishment of a relationship of mutual respect and confidence.

I always welcome questions about my background or experience. If there are none I try to discuss these matters anyway. I also try to obtain some of the background of the victim and the victim’s family. We need to know each other because we will be working as a team for a common purpose. Our efforts may require many hours of communication and cooperation.

I need to sign off now so I can attend my first conference.

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