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Toyota Motor Corp. is now recalling “more than 2 million vehicles to address trapped accelerator pedals in floormats.”

Toyota said it was adding 1.4 million vehicles to its 2009 recall for "pedal entrapment" in floormats. Toyota has recalled almost 15 million vehicles since January 2009.

The latest recall to address trapped accelerator pedals in floormats follows the NASA-aided government investigation of the problem of sudden acceleration in Toyotas which may have caused injuries and deaths of Toyota drivers and passengers. During a ten-year period, Toyota and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) received more than 3,100 complaints alleging problems with sudden acceleration, which may have caused at least 93 deaths.

75 Toyota cars were tested in the government investigation. In some recalled vehicles, the plan is to replace the driver side floor mat and retention clips. Toyota continues to face lawsuits and fines in connection with the recalls, but the drivers and passengers who died, of course, cannot be replaced.

NHTSA’s and NASA’s investigation report has received criticism from many sides. The report essentially said – among many other things – it could not duplicate the problem, effectively blaming consumers. How could that many people have "misapplied" their pedals, and all in Toyotas? Seems odd.

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