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It seems like every other week, Mattel is recalling millions of toys or we’re hearing about Thomas the Tank Engine toy recalls. That’s because 80% of toys sold in the U.S. are manufactured in China, Chinese manufacturers have been using lead-based paint in toys. The latest news is certain vinyl baby bibs sold at Toys R Us are contaminated with lead. Lead is a harmful neurotoxin that causes brain damage. It should never be in children’s toys.

The solution is for parents to buy toys made in the United States. U.S. toy makers are seeing an increase in sales because of the lead scare involving Chinese-made toys. The New York Times reported today that small, U.S. toy makers are beginning to advertise not only “made in the USA,” but also that their toys are made “with lead-free paint.” Companies cited by the Times include:

Whittle Shortline Railroad in Louisiana, Mo. which makes wooden trains and trucks
Maple Landmark Toys in Middlebury, VT
Roy Toy in East Machias, Maine
Kidding Around in Manhattan, NY, NY
Kazoo & Company in Denver, Co.

Parents, if you have a toddler, your child is very likely going to chew on his/her toys. Be on the look out to make sure none of those toys are made in China. The safest precaution is to buy American made toys.

For more information on this subject matter, please review the section on Defective and Dangerous Products.

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