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Snow is again an issue in Minnesota. In Central Minnesota, looks like there may be snow every day for the next week. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is asking drivers to be patient and pay attention when driving on snowy roads.

Other members of the Injuryboard has spent time on this issue:

David Mittleman has Snow Already Causing Accidents To Pile Up

"Remember defensive driving in snowy and icy conditions saves lives."

David Lowe has It’s The Snow, Stupid!
"Drive carefully and defensively. Watch for ice patches on bridges and overpasses. "

We’ve looked at a number of ice and snow related accident in the office already. Beyond the many others that have been showing up in the newspapers as of late.

Minn-DOT has provided the following list to always keep in mind when it snows:

* Use seat belts.

* Headlights must be turned on when it is snowing or sleeting.

* Lower speeds to minimize crashes.

* Move over one lane from any stopped emergency vehicle.

* Keep a safe stopping distance between vehicles, and leave extra room between your vehicle and snowplows or other snow removal equipment.

* Know your brakes and how they react on snow-covered roads.

* Clear snow and ice from vehicle windows, hood, headlights, brake lights and directional signals.

* Do not use cruise-control.

Most police officers asked say the key is usually to Just Slow Down.

If you are in an accident, make sure to get the names of anyone who indicates they saw what happened. If you witness an accident, check to see if everyone is OK and stay around or at least give the drivers your contact information. If you are injured, seek the advice of an attorney who does that kind of work and who can explain your coverages and rights.

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