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A crash in the early morning hours on Saturday January 23, 2010, has led to the arrest of 21-year-old Stephen Guyton from Grand Rapids.

The crash took place as Mr. Guyton was entering the entrance ramp for I-96 at Pennsylvania Avenue. Mr. Guyton was transporting three other passengers when he lost control of his vehicle, drove across the median ditch and then attempted to drive the wrong direction onto the exit ramp from I-96. Mr. Guyton’s vehicle rolled and came to a stop upright on the road.

Two of his passengers were injured requiring hospital treatment. One man, a 21-year-old from West Bloomfield suffered a serious head injury and internal injuries. As of Tuesday the 26th, he was in critical but stable condition at a local hospital. Another passenger, a 20-year-old Detroit man, suffered facial injuries and a possible skull fracture. The third passenger was not injured.

Mr. Guyton was arraigned on Sunday in 54-A District Court with two counts of operating a vehicle while intoxicated causing serious injury, Lansing police Lt. Noel Garcia said Monday.

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