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Motor vehicle accidents are not always car to car collisions. Sometimes, motor vehicle accidents are between a car and a human body. The human body tends to end up worse than the car.

Because the average motor vehicle weighs about 2,000 pounds, the driver of a motor vehicle must be alert at all times to ensure that no pedestrian is in the road, or comes in to the road. The driver is required to drive defensively, almost assuming that someone will come in to the road. If someone should come in to the road, the driver must operate their vehicle in a way so as to avoid injuring the pedestrian.

Persons who are hit by cars tend to blame themselves, or naively think that because they were not in a cross walk, they have no right to recover compensation. This is incorrect. A wise move for any injured pedestrian would be to contact an attorney to review the facts of the incident and pursue the injured pedestrian’s rights. The Cleveland law firm of Landskroner Grieco Madden, Ltd., is one such law firm with substantial experience in handling these types of claims.

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