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With the rise of shows like American Chopper and Biker Build-off, there has been an increase in the popularity of motorcycles. Unfortunately, the increased number of motorcycles on the road, has resulted in more accidents. This firm has been retained by several motorcyclists in the past few weeks.

There are several issues that are somewhat unique to motorcycle insurance policies. Many companies either fail to offer medical-pay coverage for the rider, or they provide it at an astronomical price. Apparently, this is because of the perceived danger of motorcycling. Proper riding gear is an important part of safe riding. As such, many companies provide coverage for replacement of leathers and helmets that are damaged in an accident. Insurance companies often provide discounts for those who have completed rider safety courses.

Replacement cost for the bike is another issue. As most of us know, the “blue book” value of a bike is not an accurate gauge for the value of your bike. Most bikes have been customized to some degree. The old saying rings true “The rarest bike is the bike that is in total stock condition.” Adding chrome is a hobby for some and an obsession for others. It is important that you educate your insurance agent on this issue. The time to educate the agent is before the accident. Be sure that custom items are considered when the policy is issued.

The Joel Bieber Firm is always willing to protect the rights of motorcyclists in personal injury actions. Two of our attorneys were salesmen at Harley shops prior to entering the legal profession. Our office manager previously managed a Harley-Davidson dealership. We understand riders and the bikes they ride.

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