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Everybody knows driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is likely to cause a highway fatality. But, not wearing a seat belt is an even more assured method of ending your own life.

One dead, one charged with DUI in overnight accident

Tampa, Florida – One person is dead and another faces charges after an overnight crash in Tampa.

Hillsborough Sheriff’s detectives say the driver of a vehicle lost control on Bearss Avenue, causing the vehicle to overturn and strike a concrete pole shortly after 12:30 am Tuesday.

The passenger, 25-year-old James Flowers, was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected. He died later at the hospital.

The driver, 22-year-old Shane Downs, was charged with DUI manslaughter and vehicular homicide. Downs’ blood-alcohol level was .129. is correct to headline its story with the DUI involvement. However, from my perspective failing to wear a seat belt is a sure ticket to the intensive care unit or morgue.

When my Ford Explorer rolled over twice a few years back, I stayed tightly secured to my seat by my seat belt and actually marvelled at that fact during the rollover. I was taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure but was not injured. Had I been ejected from my vehicle someone else would likely be blogging in the Tampa Bay area.

Everybody knows driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is likely to cause a highway fatality. But, not wearing a seat belt is an even more assured method of ending your own life.

One dead, one charged with DUI in overnight accident

Tampa, Florida – One person is dead and another faces charges after an overnight crash in Tampa.

Hillsborough Sheriff’s detectives say the driver of a vehicle lost control on Bearss Avenue, causing the vehicle to overturn and strike a concrete pole shortly after 12:30 am Tuesday.

The passenger, 25-year-old James Flowers, was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected. He died later at the hospital.

The driver, 22-year-old Shane Downs, was charged with DUI manslaughter and vehicular homicide. Downs’ blood-alcohol level was .129. is correct to headline its story with the DUI involvement. However, from my perspective, failing to wear a seat belt is a sure ticket to the intensive care unit or morgue.

When my Ford Explorer rolled over twice a few years back, I stayed tightly secured to my seat by my seat belt and actually marvelled at that fact during the rollover. I was taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure but was not injured. Had I been ejected from my vehicle someone else would likely be blogging on in the Tampa Bay area.

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