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Authored by: Randall Appleton

As an attorney living in Portsmouth, Virginia, I have noticed in our local papers that serious motor vehicle wrecks occur on a regular basis in all the Tidewater cities: Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Suffolk and Chesapeake.

An important point for passengers in vehicles involved in such wrecks is that they often have two potential claims for damages arising from car wrecks. The first, and most obvious, is the claim against the driver of the other vehicle. Sometimes the other vehicle leaves the scene of the collision without any exchange of information. If the other driver was negligent and left the scene unidentified, a passenger has a potential claim under his or her uninsured motorist coverage as well as that of the driver.

Another source of recovery for passengers is a claim against their driver. When a passenger is injured as a result of the driver’s negligence, the driver’s liability coverage should afford coverage to the driver’s passengers. So, in the event a passenger of a vehicle is injured in an automobile collision, he or she should fully evaluate all the avenues of protection they are provided by the insurance coverage of the driver of the other vehicle, the appropriate uninsured motorists provisions of their driver’s automobile insurance policy, and their driver’s automobile insurance policy, in the event the passenger’s driver’s action caused or contributed to the wreck.

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