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The ground wasn’t the only thing glazed with ice on the morning of December 16, 2010 in Greensboro, Guilford County and the Piedmont. Indeed, roads across central and western North Carolina were covered with some form of wintry weather. Snow, sleet and freezing rain quickly became slippery slush as the day progressed.

The North Carolina Department of Transportation said that the most pernicious places for driving in the state were in areas surrounding Greensboro, Asheville and Raleigh.

A tanker struck ice on US Highway 158 West near Anthony Road in Stokesdale, just northwest of Greensboro in Guilford County. The truck—which was carrying diesel fuel—crashed and overturned.

In Winston-Salem, automobile accidents cause minor injuries and major delays on Highway 52 South. The road was closed for more than three hours due to a collision, according to an article on

Further south, a 20-car pile up closed a section of Interstate-85 in Davidson County. Each of the drivers in this nasty collision was guilty of following too close. Following too close is never safe, but it is especially risky to drive to close when roads are tricky as they were in North Carolina on Thursday.

Hopefully, no drivers or passengers were too seriously injured. I’d be willing to bet that they learned a valuable lesson about driving in wintry weather: Don’t Follow Too Close!

Under any conditions, follow this simple rule, “The Brick Wall Rule,” to travel safely:

You should be far enough behind the car in front of you so that if that if that car suddenly turned into a brick wall, you could stop before you hit it!

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