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Minnesota is a no-fault automobile state. This means that when you are in a collision there are basic benefits of medical bills, wage loss, medical mileage and replacement services that will be covered by your own car insurance policy. The no-fault benefits goes back to a deal from the 1970s where insurance companies got tort thresholds (items proving a severe enough injury to bring a personal injury claim) in return for guaranteeing that they would provide no-fault coverage. Using your no-fault benefits does not raise your insurance rates and should be a relatively easy and fast system.

A 40 year old entrepreneur is in a motor vehicle collision where his SUV is totaled after being hit by a semi. He is told by his no-fault adjuster that they will not pay wage loss for a self-employed individual. He comes to see us, and while it does take a little bit of paperwork to verify the income loss, his wage loss is paid, as is required under the No-Fault Act.

If you are in a motor vehicle collision in Minnesota, you need to notify your insurance agent in order to start the no-fault process. If you have questions, you should talk to an attorney who is experienced in handling these types of injuries.

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